Saturday, March 7, 2009

Soccer Firsts

Thomas loves to point out when he's doing something for the first time..."This is my FIRST TIME to...." he exclaims. We've had a couple of soccer firsts recently. Last weekend was his FIRST SOCCER PRACTICE (can you hear him say it?) and today was his FIRST SOCCER GAME! He has had so much fun with the games the coaches use to teach the fundamentals for the sport: Follow-the-leader, Red light-Green light, and Fetch. Fetch is his favorite...the coach kicks the ball, Thomas runs after it and stops it, kicks it backward, and then dribbles it back. Now, the actual soccer game was entertaining. Picture eight 4 and 5 year olds running after a ball -- wait make that five or six kids running after the ball, because the others just look around bewildered at least at the beginning of the game. Thomas had not a clue what to do and then just started following the other kids. He ran and ran and knocked down, got up and ran some more. I was exhausted just watching him! In all the confusion, he actually scored a goal and was thrilled. Enjoy our pictures from last weekend and today.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


The great snow of is a winter wonderland! Absolutely beautiful -- fluffy -- and now melting :) This is the fun of living in the south. We can truly appreciate this weather because it is here today and gone tomorrow (I'm hearing 70 degree weather this coming week!). Thomas is having a blast (he has learned how to roll snow into a BIG ball for a snowman) and Hudson is taking it all in. You have to wonder what is going on in his little brain when his world changes like this so drastically...what is all that white stuff? Enjoy the slideshow!