Sunday, November 27, 2011

O Come Emmanuel!

It is the first Sunday of Advent! O Come Emmanuel!

A few years ago, I blogged the Jesse Tree....a wonderful and rich (in the spiritual sense) tradition. I hope to travel through those blog posts this year again with the kids, along with reading Ann Voskamp's Jesse Tree devotional for myself. You can find my first Jesse Tree blog post here.

And to really get in the mood, you should watch this:

Lastly, here is a little slice of life with the boys.... We are going through the Christmas boxes and the boys find my Nutcracker--yes, the one just like Clara receives in the great Christmas ballet and my just SEEING it inspires a pas de bourree. Apparently, the Nutcracker was taken down to quiet time, which I discovered by Hudson's request of nuts to crack. When I said we have none, he went outside in the rain to find acorns! Can't wait to see what mess awaits :)

Blessed Advent!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

GUEST POST: Rachel, precious friend

I am honored to have a guest post (wow, I feel like a real blogger!) by Elizabeth Wessel. Elizabeth and I have never met but we have a beautiful friend in common named Rachel.

This post was written to be linked to Kelly's Korner Blog for a special link-up.

Take it away, Liz!

I have a precious friend named Rachel - she is just wonderful! It's going to sound like I'm bragging - but I'm just so excited to write this about her! She is absolutely beautiful - on the inside and outside!

Rachel is from Florence, Alabama and now she lives in
Huntsville, Alabama. She went to UNA, became a drug rep, and now she shares her story as a motivational Christian speaker. She has a truly unbelievable story - before I share it I want you to know that the Lord is Rachel's rock and her shield. She is so in love with Jesus and He has blessed her with an awe-inspiring faith. A man for her would need to share this first love - Jesus! She is currently leading a bible study that I'm a part of and her friendship has been such an encouragement to me. She is constantly listening to new worship music (she is a singer too), sharing verses the Lord has shown her, making meals for others (um, she's a gourmet cook, might I mention!), sending out encouraging emails and texts, and using the love Christ has placed in her heart to minister to others. She is the kind of friend that draws you closer to Christ and makes you feel his love in tangible ways. She is a gem!!! She knows Jesus, she loves Him, and she is confident that He is guiding her life.
How does one develop such a strong faith and confidence that God is in control of her circumstances??

Well, Rachel has had quite a crazy journey. She has been widowed twice (keep in mind she is only 34 years old). She married Todd right after she finished college and was married for 3 years. Her sw
eet husband Todd passed away when he fell playing basketball with some friends and severed his spinal cord. Rachel clung to Jesus through this time, resting, as she says, under the "shadow of His wings" (Psalm 17:8). She knew that God is good and that He would carry her through - and He did.

Two years later she fell in love again, to an amazing man who was an Air Force pilot, Blair. They had two precious children (a little boy, Davis, now 5, and a sweet girl, Campbell, now 3). When Cam
pbell was just 5 months old, Blair lost his life in a horrific plane crash. Again, Rachel was in a place where her only solace could come from the true lover of her soul, Jesus Christ. She knows God in such a REAL way and her faith is just ROCK solid, as you can imagine. Her full testimony on this can be viewed here:

This is quite a crazy story, I know. To pursue a child of God like Rachel who has been through so much could be intimidating. Rachel has had the healing that only Jesus gives. Her faith is unwavering - her friends are all confident that God has a man for Rachel and that the Lord Himself has been preparing this man to have just what it takes to sweep her off her feet!

Davis and Campbell are precious little ones, and they would love a Daddy! Rachel pours herself into Davis and Campbell, instilling in them the Word of God, His truths and promises, and training them up in "the way they should go" (Prov 22:6). If you feel a nudging in your heart that the Lord may be leading you to pursue Rachel, know that there will be lots of people lifting you up in prayer. We are praying the Lord would fully equip you as a Godly husband and father! Godly men, please email: if you feel the Spirit's leading!

Our trip to Egypt!

Question: What could keep a girl from blogging about her precious boys?

Answer: A trip to EGYPT! Not modern day Egypt, but ancient Egypt...

I had the privilege of co-directing (with Tricia Irby) Vacation Bible school this year and we went back in time and journeyed with Joseph from the prison to the palace! We have been planning and thinking about it since December (hence the blogging break) so it was wonderful to see the fruits of months of work...

It's hard to say what was my favorite part so here some of the highlights:
~Kick-off Opening Worship and fellowship meal...Our boys sang "How Great Is Our God!" during worship! And whole families (including dads) got to experience some VBS fun...It was just wonderful and Spirit-filled.

~My parents and niece coming for Day 1. Seeing my dad and mom (but especially my dad--who would have ever guessed!) dressed to be shopkeepers (pictures forthcoming) was a God-Sighting for me! They were such a big help. AND Thomas was thrilled to have Kate help in his family group.

~The Music! I loved how each song praised our One True God or taught scripture.
~The Decorations--A marketplace in Clingman Commons and in the Assembly Hall...really?Every where the decorations were awesome....and I truly believe lead by the Holy Spirit!
~The 4th/5th graders did not want to miss visiting Joseph...They were going to do a service project off campus but wanted to see Joseph first! That's huge! Actually, all the children anticipated their visits with Joseph with excitement and retained the truths of the Bible from their visits.
~Bible Memory Makers! The children really learned their Bible verses and the symbols on the memory makers, walls, t-shirts, all reinforced the truths in them....
~God Sightings....I love how kids can see God working in places adults can't. A loose tooth is a God Sighting to a six year old :) Our pyramid built as a memorial to the One True God was a precious part of the week.
~And on and on and on...It was a great week!

Click here for more pictures of all the fun at the church's website.

Friday, February 18, 2011

February School Fun

Just wanted to note a couple of fun happenings this week....

Wednesday was Thomas's Sweetheart Tea. The moms were instructed to wear their fanciest hats! This was at my place when I arrived. The children sang to us and then served us punch and sweets. It was so sweet....

Then today Thomas dressed up for Famous American Day at school. Thomas did a great job sharing facts about Benjamin Franklin!