Saturday, August 2, 2008

Counting Teeth and Bruises

Hudson has not been a happy camper recently. Well, that's not completely true. He is still smiley but we've had a little more fussiness than usual. I discovered the reason a several days ago when I looked in his mouth only to find his 6th tooth(bottom right-side) completely through the skin. How did I miss that one coming in? And, on the top, he has two more coming in! I know he is in pain...thank God for infant ibeprofen!

As for counting bruises, I know it is typical for his age, but Hudson knocks his noggin on something twenty times a day. I think we need one of those safely helmets they sell for babies!

On a lighter note, Hudson is really enjoying Thomas' company these days. He gets a kick out of Thomas' silly antics and will laugh and laugh that adorable baby laugh. I'm talking about the total-body laugh -- I'm almost afraid he is going to topel over backwards! I'll have to try to capture it on film and get a picture posted.

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