There is a lot to say about the boys...Hudson is now primarily walking and has officially graduated to the "toddler" room in the church nursery. As the nursery director said, "He's growing up so fast..." He loves to do whatever Thomas or I do. Just the other day, I caught him "singing" into Thomas' microphone. He has also started playing the "chase me" game -- he does something he isn't supposed to do (like play in the curtains) and smiles at you, inviting you to come after him. Then he tries to run from you.
Sunday, I substituted in Thomas' Sunday school class. During circle time, the children go around the circle saying things they are thankful for. Most of the children said things like "my dog," "my mom and dad,"...Thomas said "I'm thankful my mom came to help teach my class today..." He either has mastered the art of flattery at a young age or is a truly sweet little man (I think it's the latter). Today, he was helping me fold the clothes and out of nowhere said, "These dogs are barking." When I inquired what that meant, he said "The dogs on my feet are barking because they are tired." He got it from a LeapFrog video we borrowed from the library. He hears everything and repeats most!
Oh, I'm so thankful for my little men! Until my next post....