Monday, June 8, 2009

Bikes, Bubbles, Bye to School...a Backlog

I really need to let go of the guilt I have for not posting more regularly :) Forgive me and enjoy this post!

Here is a backlog of videos we've taken:

This first video is Thomas riding his balance bike. This is his really cool bike that doesn't have pedals. Basically, the idea is that if a child learns to balance on this bike, he'll never need training wheels. He has gotten great at gliding and he's even ridden in all the way to the park and back!

Hudson loves bubbles!!! Bubble is one of his words and he can even make them himself.

Bye to Early Arts...Here is a video of Thomas at his end of the year Art Show. Precious art and precious boy...


Sarah Brown said...

Thanks for the update!!! I saw one of those balance bikes the other day and was wondering about it. I will have to see Thomas in action on it sometime soon.

Sunny said...

Cool bike, cool bubbles and cool art!

How fun to spend time with your boys!