Thursday, February 11, 2010

thursday THREE

For the past few years, my parents have given Matthew the renewal of his Costco membership for his birthday. If you know Matthew, you know that he LOVES a bargain and even that is an understatement. We go almost weekly because they have great prices on milk and we enjoy strolling around as a is the gift that keeps giving!
Well, yesterday, guess who I ran into at Costco...
Okay, I didn't just run into her. She was having a book signing. And because it is a membership warehouse, it wasn't covered over with people like it probably was the other places she visited. So she met Thomas and Hudson who were with me. And when I thanked Beth Moore for what she does (if you don't know then you are missing out!), she said, "Thank you, for what you do," nodding her head at the boys... I don't have the words to express how much those words blessed me.... And I didn't even have Thomas say all his memorized Bible verses for her! She would have loved that!

A moment of brotherly love... Now I'll try to tune out the tattling and bickering in the background to focus on these precious faces and their cute matching pjs :)


And lastly, our neighbor friends are dear to us. When we found this house, we were desperate to find a home before we had to move out of our other house. Plus, I was very pregnant with Thomas. There were two neighbors who had blue bows on their mailboxes at the time! Now that we know these families and their precious children, the value on our home goes up exponentially.

Hope we get some snow and can build some snowmen with them this weekend!

Until next time,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BETH MOORE!!!! Awesome!! I will also add...thank you for what you do!!! LOVE YOU MO!!!!