December 1
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…And God saw everything he had made, and behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:1, 31a (ESV)
Today’s symbol: World/Dove
Ideas to do and talk about:
*Read an account of Genesis 1-2 in your favorite children’s Bible (We love the Jesus Storybook Bible and The Big Picture Story Bible)
*Talk about what the world was like when God created it – it was full of peace, full of beauty, full of love. What was not there? (fear, sadness, disobedience, etc.)
*Color and hang your first Jesse Tree ornament. We will color the earth behind the dove.
*Take a walk, thanking God for creating the things you see and hear
December 2
“The Lord said to the woman, ‘What is this that you have done?’ The woman said, ‘The serpent deceived me and I ate.’” Genesis 3:13 (ESV)
Today’s symbol: Apple
Ideas to do and talk about:
*Read an account of the Fall in a children’s Bible. I’m sure the boys would love to use one of their toy snakes as a prop!
* Talk about how God created a perfect beautiful world but something sad happened, Adam and Eve made the choice to disobey God. We get to make choices everyday. How can we make the right choice when we want to disobey?
*Talk about the Genesis 3:13. Eve disobeyed God but who did she blame? Do we ever blame others for our bad choices?
*Thank God for sending His Spirit to help us obey and make right choices AND for forgiving us for our sins.
*Color/decorate the apple ornament. We might add a snake to our ornament. Hang it on your Jesse Tree!
December 3
“The LORD saw how bad the people on earth were and that everything they thought and planned was evil.” Genesis 6:5 (CEV)
Today’s symbol: Noah’s Ark
Ideas to do and talk about:
*Read an account of the Flood in a children’s Bible. Find an account that gives the “why” of the flood. The Big Picture Story Bible says this, “Now Adam and Eve ruled the world in evil ways. And they had children who did the same. Their children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren all turned away from God….This made God sad. All the peoples of the earth had rejected him as king.”
*Talk about how it was only Noah who listened to God and how Noah obeyed God even when everyone else did not. Have you ever wanted to disobey because everyone else was disobeying? What can we do when we want to disobey with our friends but we know we shouldn’t?
*Color the Ark ornament and add a rainbow if you want. Hang it on your Jesse tree!
*Thank God for Jesus, who while we were sinners died for us (Romans 5:8.)
December 4
“And he brought him outside and said, ‘Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be.’”
Genesis 15:5
Today’s symbol: Sky of stars
Ideas to do and talk about:
*Read an account of God giving Abraham His promise that descendants would outnumber the stars.
*Talk about Abraham’s great faith in God. Genesis 15:6 says, “And he believed the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness.”
*Talk about how God promised Abraham something that seemed impossible but with God ALL things are possible. Do you remember why it seemed impossible?
*Try to count the stars in the night sky...
*Color the sky of stars ornament and talk about how every person in God’s family is like one of those stars because we are descendants of Abraham through faith! Hang the ornament on your Jesse Tree!
*Thank God for the faithfulness of Abraham and ask for faith like Abraham. Thank God for bringing you into His family!
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